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Excel Spreadsheet AI

Share your workbook's contents with the chat copilot

You have several ways to let the chat copilot know the contents of your workbook:

  • Click on "import the values of the selection to the chat" button.
  • Click on "import the formulas of the selection to the chat" button.
  • Manually copy and paste a table into the chat.

Once you've done this, you can double-check with the chat copilot by asking questions like the ones below. And you can directly mention references like C2 or C2:C5 when chatting with the chat copilot, making the process very convenient.

  • Give me the value of C2
  • Give me the values of the range C2:C5
  • What's the sum of C2:C5?
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Task samples

With this generic AI chat copilot, the spreadsheet tasks you can accomplish are unlimited. In this interactive discussion format, you can collaborate with the chat copilot to find the perfect solution. To help you get started, we offer 50 task samples that range from data aggregation and data analysis to formula creation and verification, among others.

Data generation

From the values of the range K3:K9, 
make a new table with population of each countries with your knowledge.
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Data analysis

学习rows的data analyst,和formulabot也有一个类似的。

Data insights

Give me some useful or interesting insights on the data of the range G3:I18.
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Data checking

Case of checking anormaly and inconsistency

Is there any anomaly in the data of the range J5:K12?
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Fuzzy filtering

Technical or non-technical

Please evaluate the job titles in the range I7:J13 and make a table with those whose job is not technical.
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Work email or personal email

Please evaluate the emails in J8:K14 and make a table with the people whose email is a work email.
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Text manipulation

From the values of the range J8:J16,
give me the list of their organization name that is after `@` and before the first `.`.

can give us formulas as well

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Data aggregation

Case 1

From the values of the range J4:K11,
make a table with each fruit and their total quantity.
Please give me the Excel formula that can generate the above table.
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Case 2

From the values of the range K7:K13, 
give me a new table with unique elements and their number of appearance.
Please also give me the Excel formula to generate such a table.
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Formula generation

Generate a list of formulas?

What's the formula to calculate the sum of total price? where should I put it? What's the formula to calculate the sum of total quantity? where should I put it? Please don't modify the table yourself.

Formula explanation

Formula debugging

Formula optimization

I have an Excel formula `=IF(A1,B1,IF(C1,D1,IF(E1,F1,G1)))`.
Is it possible to improve it?

Formula checking

The chat can find some kind of anomarly in formulas as the following example shows. But currently, the tool does not have a button to import formulas to the chat, because it seems that the chat cannot understand well formulas in a grid.

I have a list of formulas as follows.
Is there any anomaly?

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VBA macros

Generate a subroutine in VBA

Please give me a VBA subroutine to draw a pie chart over A2:A10.
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Generate a user-defined function in VBA

Please give me a VBA function that reverses a two-dimensional array.
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Miscellaneous questions