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About Us



Tie was enrolled to special class in Informatics of Northeast Yucai School (China), and began learning programming from 11 years old. Tie had Master's degrees from Mines ParisTech and École Polytechnique, and pursued his PhD in computer science in INRIA & École Polytechnique & ENS Paris.

Tie is the CEO of the company, captain of the team.

Xaiver RIVAL

Xavier is a Research Director of INRIA, head of the ANTIQUE Project-Team of ENS Paris & INRIA & CNRS. He graduated from École Normale Supérieure de Paris.

Xavier works in programming languages and static analysis for the verification of semantic properties of computer programs. His main focus is on abstract interpretation and more specifically on abstractions of linked and dynamically allocated data structures in programs.

Xavier is laureate of ERC (European Research Council) Starting Grant, a part of which has been financially supporting our research of analysis of spreadsheet applications. He provides scientific guidance to the company.


Rami graduated from Damascus University, and is laureate of the Eiffel Excellence Scholarship. He has won high rankings in competitive programming contests such as International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) and Arabic Collegiate Programming Contest (ACPC). Rami is hard-working and a sharp problem solver. He has been working on 10 Studio, from backend to frontend.


Jiayu has won the first prize of Jilin province in National Olympiad in Informatics. He graduated from University of Science and Technology of China. Jiayu joined the team in 2018, was the lead developer of the WeCard project, and has been contributing to several important projects of the company. Jiayu is a very balanced software engineer, with clear thinking, patient communication and good organization.


Mingjia LI

Mingjia has won the first prize of Hunan province in National Olympiad in Informatics. He graduated from University of Science and Technology of China. Technical and skillful, Mingjia was a full-time developer in the team and worked mainly on the web development of 10 Studio.


Yi graduated from School of Software of Tsinghua University. He was a part-time developer in the team when he was in an exchange program in Ecole Centrale Nantes in France. Interested in machine learning, Yi contributed mainly to the development of Funfun; all the sample code snippets of Funfun were made by him.

Chuan QIN

Chuan graduated from Tongji University and EIT Digital Master School. A generalist developer (programming, communication, design), Chuan worked on technical marketing of Funfun; he used to answer questions in Quora and Stack Exchange by providing a solution of Funfun. Today, he is a Program Manager in NetEase in Guang Zhou (China).

Nicolas DEJEAN

Nicolas undertook an internship in the team when he was a student in EPITECH - European Institute of Technology. He contributed to technical marketing of Funfun, and answered questions in tech forums with solutions of Funfun.

Jinhui LIU

Jinhui was from Ecole Centrale Nantes and Xi'an Jiaotong University. He undertook an internship for 6 months in the team, and worked on the user dashboard of the WeCard project.


Jie was from Ecole Centrale Nantes and Southwest Jiaotong University. She undertook an internship for 6 months in the team, and worked on the WeChat Mini Program of the WeCard project.

Jiaxu LIU

Jiaxu was from Peking University and Mines ParisTech. He worked on the very beginning of the 10 Studio add-ins. Today, he works in Schlumberger in Beijing.